How To Engage Non-givers In Your Church And Significantly Grow Your Budget.
How To Engage Non-givers In Your Church And Significantly Grow Your Budget. We’re sorry you…
Merry Christmas! A Free Gift to Help Your Church Make a Lasting Impact This Season
Merry Christmas! A Free Gift to Help Your Church Make a Lasting Impact This Season…
Exploring the Transformative Potential of AI for Your Church
Exploring the Transformative Potential of AI for Your Church We’re sorry you couldn’t join us…
How To Stretch A tight Church Budget
How To Stretch A Tight Church Budget If your budget feels tight, you're not alone.…
Applying the 5 foundations with Leon Evans
Applying The 5 Foundations With Network Church Leader Leon Evans.
Help….the guests have arrived!
Every man breathed a huge sigh of relief. The verdict was in and…
Shifting Discipleship Gears
Shifting Discipleship Gears Because radical Jesus followers aren’t made in rows these…
Your New Job Description for 2024
“Duncan. Let me tell you your new job description…” I have a friend called Tim.…
3 Leadership Lessons from the road that will sharpen you today.
The last 3 weeks have been pretty intense on my body but incredibly life giving…
“You’re Not A Door Stop”
Removing the barriers for more people to serve in your church. “What’s the one thing…
Three Quick Leadership Hacks You’re Gonna Love…
Leadership is complicated and often overwhelming. You want to get it right. So here are…
“You’ve got a bogey in your beard…”
Should leaders value honesty over harmony? A true story… A few years ago I was…
5 ways to transform your church’s reputation…
They’re watching you. They watch what you say, what you do, what you don’t say…
“Reed Moore? I know… It sounds more like a command than a name.”
I caught up with the Lead Pastor of Gwinnett Church as he arrived for the…
Lessons from Lasso
Three leadership lessons you may have missed from the hit Apple TV show. Bang in…
What Leadership Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?
Doctors say three things go as you age. The first is your memory… And I…
Creating on-demand video content won’t grow your church… but you need to make it a priority
Creating on-demand video content won’t grow your church… but people far from God need you…
People aren’t as engaged in church anymore… but they want to be, and your church can make it easier
It seems people are less engaged with Church than ever before and yet people are…
How to Become an ‘Unobvious’ Leader
In 2009 a University Professor called Tina Seelig split her business class at Stamford into…
3 Reasons to Go Above & Beyond For Your Volunteers this Christmas
and practical ideas to make it happen! Whilst Santa and his elves seem to get…
Starting with the End in Mind
The conversation goes like this… "Duncan… I get it. I really do. I get that…
Your Plan of Action for Gaining and Training Group Leaders this year
Answer this question right now to help you gauge how you're doing at developing small…
FIVE ways to ensure your Christmas Services make a Lasting Impact this year
Here are TWO things I know about your church at Christmas: Church people are more…
Getting Everyone on the Same Page & Moving in the Same Direction
Every leader wants their church to be aligned. They know the power of having an…
What your church should be learning from Jordan Peterson when it comes to reaching young men
The church needs more young men. There is a growing restlessness in the hearts of…
How to change your church without killing it
Transitioning a traditional church to a church unchurched people love “You used to be a…
3 Things that Really Should Matter to Your Church
(that you might not have thought about before) You can tell a lot about what…
2 great ways to ruin your Christmas!
Forget ‘mistletoe and wine’ - we should rename Christmas the season of ‘sellotape & scissors’.…
4 Tips for Better Talks
Baristas deal in coffee beans and froth. Me? I’m a preacher. I deal in words…
3 things 20-somethings need to hear from your church right now
Let’s be honest, your young adults weren’t coming every Sunday pre-pandemic, and chances are many…
Be Our Guest
What your church can learn from how Disney creates experiences with a 70% return rate…
What your church could learn from Apple
How is that Apple manages to create such raving fans while the church collects such…
Could your church be entering the ‘roaring 20s?’
Plagues are not new to mankind. They are just new to us. And history tells…