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The New Rules For Better Communication

A two-session masterclass on: How to grow your church (and reach more people) by giving better talks and creating more memorable Sunday experiences.

Are you looking to improve your communication skills and the skills of your team?
We’d love to help… Leadership eventually comes with a microphone. So the better you communicate, the better you lead.

Who Is This For?
This masterclass is designed to help the leaders in your church communicate better and create more memorable experiences. Its perfect for preachers, worship leaders, kids & youth workers, small group leaders and anyone else who stands in front of a large or small group of diverse people at your church. 

What’s the Big Idea?
The talks we give and the experiences we create are critical for the success of our church. They are vital for the impression of God our guests walk away with. Because every Sunday could be somebody’s first Sunday, right?

That’s why every leader must learn to give better talks and create better experiences. If we aren’t communicating clearly and effectively we are literally putting a lid on the potential to grow our churches.

What will I learn? 

  • How to harness the power of ‘wow’’ 
  • How to communicate to both skeptics & saints at the same time 
  • How to plan for something remarkable every week 
  • How to create a process for planning & feedback 
  • How to prepare a talk that is engaging from the first few words to the closing prayer 
  • How to make the Bible so compelling that people don’t just listen but are inspired to apply its truth 

Will there be any further resources available?
Yes. The masterclass will be available free and on-demand after the event for you to use with others on your team. It will include video teaching, worksheets, an assessment tool & discussion guide 

 What’s the Schedule for the Day? 

The Daytime Masterclass

  • 9:30am Registration and Refreshments
  • 10:00am Session 1: Becoming a Better Communicator
  • 10:45am Coffee
  • 11:15am Session 2: Creating Memorable Experiences
  • 12:00pm Process Time & Next Steps
  • 12:30pm The End 

The Evening Masterclass 

  • 7:00pm Registration and Refreshments
  • 7:30pm Session 1: Becoming a Better Communicator 
  • 8:15pm Online Preaching Assessment tool 
  • 8:35pm Session 2: Creating Memorable Experiences 
  • 9:20pm Next Steps 
  • 9:30pm The End 

Your Speakers

Duncan Banks
Further Faster Director

 Duncan was born in 1963 and is still alive today. He’s been in front line ministry for over 30 years. He’s started a church from scratch, spoken at many conferences around the world and written two books with Zondervan. He is currently the Director of The Further Faster Network and has a passion to help leaders grow their churches by reaching unchurched people. 

Leon Evans
Lifecentral Church

Leon is one of the founders of the Further Faster Network and leads a multisite church based in Halesowen. He’s also part of Elim’s regional team and the founder of the Phase trust, one of the largest youth services providers in the region. He has a passion for local church and mission and has spoken at national events like Spring Harvest. 

Register you and your team for free today!

Wednesday Sept 25th – 7:00pm-9:30pm 
Nottingham West Hucknall Baptist Church
Ruffs Drive
NG15 6JN

 Thursday Sept 26th – 7:00pm-9:30pm
Ipswich Capel Community Church
Days Road
Capel St. Mary

Wednesday Nov 13th – 10:00am-12:30pm
Andover Community Church
Charlton Road


Wednesday Nov 13th – 7:00pm-9:30pm
Andover Community Church
Charlton Road

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